Full Body Photography
Full Body Photography also known as Mole Mapping
What is mole mapping
Mole mapping, also known as Full Body Photography, is an easy, painless, and non-invasive way to keep track of your moles and determine the cancerous ones. The process involves the documentation of the moles on your body to identify possible risks of skin cancer.
With the combination of whole-body photography and advanced mole mapping software, we will be able to map the moles on your body. To protect your privacy, we will store the images on a secure server.
Then, we will compare the stored images to those taken on subsequent visits to help us point out suspicious moles and plan the steps you need to take – biopsy, removal, or further examination.
Why do I need this?
Full body photography is recommended for people at an increased risk of melanoma. This includes:
- People who have a personal history of melanoma.
- People with a family history of melanoma in a first degree relative (parent, sibling, or child) before the age of 50.
- People who have many moles.
- People with more than one large (over 5mm) irregularly shaped or coloured mole. The type of mole is referred to as a dysplastic naevus.
- Patients with fair skin that tans poorly or with significantly sun damaged skin.
How to prepare for the procedure
The procedure takes approximately half an hour.
- Privacy is ensured at all stages.
- Make-up: Should be kept to a minimum.
- Jewellery: Please remove all jewellery beforehand.
- Underwear: We ask that underwear be neutral in colour and of a brief style.
The procedure is not covered by Medicare however, it may be covered by your private health insurance. The cost of the procedure is $160.
To make an appointment for the following services please call the HealthPoint team as online bookings for these services are not available.
Mole Removal
$150 1st mole, $50 subsequent moles
Skin Tag Removal
$75 up to 4 tags, $100 for 5-20 tags
Scar Treatment Injections
$50 each
Melisa Were*
Registered Nurse; Bachelor of Nursing
Melisa is a Registered Nurse who after completing her training, spent 18 years working in critical care areas of Operating Theatre, Anaesthetics and Recovery. She grew up in Sydney and moved to the Central Coast where she began work as a practice Nurse in 2015. Currently working at Mingara Medical, she assists with skin surgical procedures, and treatment room nursing. This has led to Melisa now applying her skills and experience as part of the Health-Point Skin Services team.
Melisa enjoys stand-up paddle boarding, the beach and any time in the great outdoors.
For all enquiries, please contact
HealthPoint Mingara T: 4314 0400 F: 4314 0404
E: reception@mingarahp.com.au